Earlier in 2014, Ireland screened the 100,000th baby to be tested for newborn hearing issues since rollout of UNHS concluded in 2013. Latest HSE figures show that: Each month, an average of 6,000 babies now receive a newborn hearing test. Of this total, 180 babies (3 per cent) are referred onward for further diagnostic testing. About nine
Finalist status in Ireland’s 2014 Social Media Awards – Online PR category, was gained by Sound Advice (as IDK) after these posts – compiled by Caroline Carswell. Students at Ireland’s only audiology undergraduate course at Athlone Institute of Technology are reviewing their options after learning the course is to be scrapped at the end of
The HSE’s National Audiology Review (NAR, April 2011) listed a priority as to “Implement a National Newborn Hearing Screening Programme” in Ireland. In addition to the HSE’s estimated, annual €11 million funding for audiology services, €3.7 million was made available to apply NAR recommendations. From this total, just under €2 million was to fund implementation
Following legislation in 1998 and 2004, parents of deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) children are facilitated in sending their child to the local school. As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in numbers of D/HH children in those settings and a subsequent drop in enrolment in schools for deaf pupils. This thesis explores the
Cork University Maternity Hospital is now testing the hearing of newborn babies before they leave hospital, according to The Irish Times newspaper. The optional, free and non-invasive test is run while the baby is resting. A booklet, ‘Your Baby’s Hearing Screening Test‘ explains the full procedure. Further Reading * The HSE’s National Audiology Review document (April
On April 26th, phase one of a national newborn hearing testing programme in Ireland will begin in Cork, with national roll-out expected by end-2012. The HSE assigned just under EUR2 million for the programme in its 2011 plan, with a view to expansion across the HSE South region at end-2011. Ireland has about 74,000 births
In November 2010, Dr. Monika Lehnhardt, who established Cochlear Europe in Basel in 1987, published a new study about the importance of UNHS. Her research showed around 5,000 babies are born deaf in the EU per year, with another 5,000-10,000 having hearing issues that need intervention. Apart from these statistics, deafness is not visible, and can affect a child’s
In late 2010, a group of Transition Year students from Greenhill, Drogheda, decided to enter the 2011 Young Social Innovators (YSI) competition. Their project is about deafness, so they contacted IDK for initial information. The YSI competition is held every March at the RDS in Dublin, to encourage students to use their skills and talents to create a
On November 5th, 2010, The Irish Medical Times published a very significant piece, “Review Set To Tackle Audiology Waiting Lists“. IDK is delighted to see the NAR taking these steps in very difficult economic conditions. DeafHear (formerly the NAD) also deserves commendation for its sustained campaign toward universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS). According to the
A strong case for newborn hearing tests is made with a recent study in the Netherlands, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Detection At Birth Gave Better Quality Of Life Children whose hearing issues were found at birth, had a better quality of life aged 3 and 5, than babies tested at
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