In early 2016, Sound Advice was named a top-100 global inclusive education entity by the Zero Project, and exhibited February 10 to 12 at the United Nations office in Vienna, Austria. On February 12 Louise Honck from AVuk joined Caroline Carswell to present the auditory-verbal (hearing-speech) case for inclusive education in the conference panel session
Research evidence is emerging that “parent-to-parent support, described as parents with lived experiences providing support to each other, is recognized as a distinctive and important type of support system” for families whose children have hearing issues. Read: Parent-to-Parent Support For Children With Hearing Difficulty In 2007, this was one catalyst for Irish Deaf Kids (Sound
IDK presented on ‘Sound Effects’ at CESI‘s 2014 conference on Galway’s GMIT campus, with this year’s theme of ‘Spark The Imagination‘. This presentation explored how certain aspects of sound are experienced similarly, regardless of a person’s hearing level, and particularly now that digital hearing-devices can be mapped to a wearer’s specific hearing-levels. Sound fields were also discussed
People with hearing issues synergise their sight and hearing senses to detect and assimilate environmental information, according to research by Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (CERCO, CNRS/Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier), with the ENT department at Toulouse’s Hôpital Purpan. Read >> Hearing With Sight: Why Implants Have Variable Results Lip-Readers See And Hear Sound
Most people who’re severely to profoundly deaf (even with digital hearing-devices) will mention recurring exhaustion from “actively listening” all the time to communicate, to receive and remember daily facts, and to process at warp-speed detail that’s fed to you – in its incompleteness or entirety. A multi-choice survey on the “Hearing Ourselves Think” blog by
Having live classroom-captions in school has led a deaf teen in Australia, to consider a career in computer programming or in the general IT field. Read: Real-time captions for deaf HSC student Interestingly, the student emphasises how classroom-captions have boosted his literacy skills, while providing a detailed set of notes from each class. Further Reading
What is a Visiting Teacher? Many parents of newly-confirmed deaf children ask this, on learning of the VT service from the Department of Education. Over 3,300 deaf and hard-of-hearing children at mainstream schools in Ireland, are supported by 32 visiting teachers working in 29 full-time posts. (PDF) Visiting Teachers for Children who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Parents can
In late 2010, a group of Transition Year students from Greenhill, Drogheda, decided to enter the 2011 Young Social Innovators (YSI) competition. Their project is about deafness, so they contacted IDK for initial information. The YSI competition is held every March at the RDS in Dublin, to encourage students to use their skills and talents to create a
Interested in mainstream education for deaf children, from preschool stage? Want to know more about the issues, experiences and available supports? If so, IDK welcomes you to a FREE morning information session, “Choice, Options, Possibilities”, on March 4th, 2011, in Dublin city centre. The session includes presentations from: Parents of deaf children on their experiences
Interested in mainstream education for deaf children? Want to know more about the issues, experiences and available supports? UPDATE: This event is postponed to the new year. If so, IDK welcomes you to a FREE morning information session, “Choice, Options, Possibilities”, on December 3rd, 2010, in Dublin city centre. The session includes presentations from: Parents
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