Dialogue on audio and video files needs to be accurately machine-translated into captions, with the legal case, Noll versus IBM, recently reported in The New York Law Journal. Software engineer, Alfred Noll, employed at IBM since 1984, had used a mix of real time captioning and transcribing, plus interpreters as accommodations – but reported difficulty in accessing the corporate
Research evidence is emerging that “parent-to-parent support, described as parents with lived experiences providing support to each other, is recognized as a distinctive and important type of support system” for families whose children have hearing issues. Read: Parent-to-Parent Support For Children With Hearing Difficulty In 2007, this was one catalyst for Irish Deaf Kids (Sound
Sound Advice’s latest fifth-birthday post from a past intern, is by Raluca Maier, who arrived to complete her post-graduate diploma in PR. My story at Sound Advice started in early 2011, when I had the chance to work next to Caroline Carswell on many projects. Sound Advice was launching its Facebook page, organising its workshops
IDK’s latest seminar, “Exploring Post-School and College Options”, was held in Dublin on November 3rd, 2011 for deaf teens and their parents to explore college, career and employment options. Seminar topics covered: The DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) system Third-level college supports for deaf/hard-of-hearing students Internships and volunteer work for students Paid mentored placements
IDK’s first Life Skills workshop for deaf and hard-of-hearing teens in Dublin yesterday, was high-energy and received great feedback (see below). Mike Rossney, the first presenter, used a board-break exercise to show the teens they can break through their own ‘barriers’ if they apply themselves. By taking charge of their fears, they can then move
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