Today’s smartphones and tablet PCs make self-employment a reality for people like Janice Fucci, who hears and lip-reads with a cochlear implant. Now aged 60, Fucci runs a small business using text messages, calendar apps and Facebook to reach her clients, some sourced from past salon jobs. Read: Technology opens entrepreneurship to deaf people Roadmaps And
For a €4k cash prize, small firms in Ireland were recently invited by 3 Mobile and the Sunday Business Post’s “Computers in Business” magazine, to describe how €4,000 would boost their business in 2010. Irish Deaf Kids is delighted to advise that its pitch won the competition. This funding will be invested in a project
At Griffith College, Cork, SMS texts are used to advise students of cancelled classes. Texting is a simple and often free method of communication that is available to anyone with a mobile phone. And these users range from young kids given phones by parents just in case of an emergency, to the elderly who may
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